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- Real estate franchising: Swixim international introduces the realty openStore by Swixim
Real estate franchising: Swixim international introduces the realty openStore by Swixim

Swiss real estate franchise Swixim international is now introducing a new concept of physical real estate neo-agencies, called openStore by Swixim. How does it disrupt the market? Answers from founder Thierry Caminati. After the advent of agent networks and other fixed-commission real estate agencies, is it still possible to disrupt distribution models in the real estate market? Swiss franchise Swixim International remains convinced. Founded 18 years ago and now operating some 40 real estate agencies (including 15 in France), it is launching what it calls "a new concept of physical real estate neo-agencies", called openStore by Swixim.
Digital welcome and human
For the curious shopper - or the more serious real estate project owner - everything begins once they cross the threshold of the real estate agency. In front of him, a screen. And a welcome message delivered by... videoconference by a sales assistant from head office. Once this initial "digital" contact has been established, the customer is free to explain his or her real estate project. And if they so wish, "they are then put in touch with one of our 250 independent sales agents, who will take charge of their request or project", explains Thierry Caminati, founding president of Swixim international (the network is aiming for sales of 12 million CHF/EUR in 2022). He adds: "In addition to reducing the agency's workload in terms of personnel, this reception system enables us to offer our customers a wide range of opening hours: we receive them 7 days a week, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.". And lower costs mean higher commissions for real estate agents. "Our agents earn an average of 65% of commissions," says Thierry Caminati.
30 to 50 m2 in No. 1 locations
A first test deployment of the concept was launched in Geneva in 2020, a few weeks before the confinements were installed. "Thanks to our phygital system, we were the only open real estate agency in the country," recalls the founding president of Swixim International. With the aim of being deployed in No. 1 city-center locations, the real estate openStore by Swixim will be based on real estate agencies occupying 30 to 50 m2 of floor space. In addition to a digital reception area, these will include a meeting room and an office for the franchisee.
A concept delivered turnkey
Another key element that structures this new model of real estate franchise (and provides information on its disruptive side): "We offer our future franchisees a turnkey solution," adds Thierry Caminati. "Since we manufacture all the signs, screen furniture, from the terminal, we import the screens, touch pad etc. in order to reduce layout costs for our Franchisees and save time.” However, the franchisee must pay the head of the network an entry fee of CHF 15,000/CHF- EUR. "The Swixim Classic real estate agency model still exists, openStore is an option for Franchisees wishing to reduce their mental and financial burden." “We still believe in physical real estate brands. But their model must evolve. They must be part of a phygital dimension,” says the network’s president. Before displaying its development objectives: have 150 international Swixim branches by 2028.
Immo matin: By Christian Capitaine | Tuesday, April 18, 2023 | Franchisees network